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©Construction Vibration Damage Guide (CVDG) for Homeowners and Professional Edition
Table of Contents
The Table of Contents presents the chapters of the CVDG (both free and Pro versions) in logical order, so that
they can be read sequentially in the most effective way or read selectively at choice. Each CVDG chapter also has, at the bottom of the main text, a CVDG menu which allows you to go forward to the next chapter in sequence or back to
the previous one.
In the Table of Contents, documents with hyperlinks are part
of the free CVDG and can be viewed online. The free downloadable CVDG PDF e-book has all of them, plus much extra content. For a listing of all the documents you can read online on Vibrationdamage.com, see either
the Site Contents or the categorized Document Index. The Document Index provides selected readings in the CVDG for all kinds of needs and groups.
You can view it online at https://vibrationdamage.com/vdccat.htm.
Documents only included in the Pro Edition are shown in black bold below. Documents and tools provided
only in the PDF versions, but not online, are shown in Bright Red Bold. The CVDG Pro is available for purchase
by credit card or PayPal account, with same business day email delivery in most cases, from our Order the CVDG Pro page at
CVDG for Homeowners and Professional Editions
Table of Contents
Every chapter of the CVDG is upgraded in each new e-book edition. Documents entirely new to the current edition of the CVDG and CVDG Pro PDF e-books are indicated with italicized
(New) designations
below. Those which are so new that they have not been included in the PDF's are shown in italicized bold, (New). Direct links are provided when
the newest documents can be read online.
Pursuing A Vibration Damage Claim
CVDG Homeowner Checklist
Damage Inspections
Handling A Claim
Researching A Claim
After the Claim
- Damage Repair
- Conditions Documents
Involving an Attorney
- Working With An Attorney
- Settlement
- Litigating
- Giving Testimony
- Damage Causation
- Estimating Damage Age
- Counterarguments
- Expert Opinion
- Serving As An Expert
- Dealing With Documents (New)
- Supplementing Documentation (New)
- Damage Assessment
- Production Requests
Vibration Monitoring
- Using a Vibration Monitoring Firm
- Reporting Vibration Data
- Mitigating Vibration
- Calculating Vibration Amplitudes
- Vibration Measures
- DIY Vibration Monitoring
- Setting Up DIY Vibration Monitoring
- Using DIY Acceleration Data
- Vibration Data Reports
- Vibration Data Handling
- Vibration Data Issues
- Vibration Data Analysis
- Vibration Data Analysis Steps
- Vibration Data Analysis Tables
- Vibration Signatures
- Seismograph Memory Limitations
- Vibration Exposure
- Inferring Vibration Levels
- Vibration and Homes
- Vibration Standards
- Resonance/Fatigue
Blasting Vibrations
Non-Construction Vibrations
Avoiding Vibration Damage
For Project Sponsors
Consequences and Prevention
CVDG - More Documents
Closing Thoughts
Appendix A - Using the CVDG
Appendix B - Vibration Damage Warning Signs
Appendix C - Getting More Help
Appendix D - Reference
CVDG - The Author
CVDG License (CVDG free only)
CVDG Pro License
Disclaimer: The pages, documents, illustrations and tools on Vibrationdamage.com
are not offered, and should not be considered, as advice or counsel on the law in any
jurisdiction or form. Seek the
advice of an attorney having
construction vibration damage claim experience and knowledge, if you need legal
help. Trademarks appearing on the site and in the CVDG are the properties of their
respective owners and are used in the CVDG only for the purpose of identification. Information appearing on the site and in the CVDG is believed correct, but the site contents and the CVDG are provided "as-is". They are not guaranteed or
warranted in any way, nor are your uses of them warranted or guaranteed.
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