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The free Construction Vibration Damage Guide for Homeowners (CVDG, ©Copyright 2013-2024 John M. Zeigler, a $49.95 value) PDF e-book is a printable compilation of
our construction vibration damage web pages, minus menus, navigation and ads from the web page version, with much added material not available on the web.
It has over 350 color photos, diagrams and other illustrations which help the reader understand the
issues discussed in it.
The comprehensive CVDG Pro Professional Edition, (296 pages
in new edition 3.2) has well over three times the content of the Homeowners edition. It is designed for those who need greater scientific and technical understanding for litigation,
research or consulting. It can be purchased through Paypal by PayPal account or with a credit card. In most cases, same day delivery as a PDF file attached to email is the
preferred delivery mode.
You will need a copy of the free Adobe Reader, or any other program capable of reading and displaying PDF files, to view or print the PDF version. The CVDG PDF
can be read directly on most dedicated e-readers and mobile devices, as well as computers. For more information and help on using the CVDG with e-readers, see our
CVDG on e-Readers page.
The Download link above will take you to a short form. The information you submit on the form is used for improvement of the CVDG and the site. It is not used to generate spam nor is it provided to others (see
Information Security for more). Once you fill out that form (1-2 minutes) and submit it, a confirmation of successful submission will appear in your browser. An e-mail
with the direct download link will be sent to the address you provide on the form, usually within a few minutes of the form submission.
The download link may only be active for 24 hours. To download the CVDG, just click on the link in the e-mail. If, for some reason, that doesn't work, copy the link to the address line of your browser and press enter.
The CVDG is regularly expanded and updated, so visitors should check for updated versions occasionally.
Calculated Vibration Velocity Plots - PDF Collection (free to registered CVDG for Homeowners PDF and CVDG Pro users)
Downloadable PDF of vibration velocity diagrams, calculated using the FTA construction vibration equation. The diagrams can be used to verify claims made by construction companies
and their representatives regarding expected vibrations from construction activities, to estimate vibration velocities for heavy equipment operations, when no monitoring data are available, or to get calculated minimum
safe distances for various types of construction operations, occurring in areas with differing structure types and vibration transmission properties. See Vibration and
Distance in the CVDG for much more information on the proper use of such diagrams. Direct links to download the plots are found in both the CVDG for Homeowners PDF and CVDG Pro, along with documentation.
View the documentation for the Calculated Vibration Velocity Plots
(free to registered CVDG for Homeowners PDF and CVDG Pro users)
Some may prefer to carry out vibration PPV and safe distance calculations specific to their own situations, rather than reading them off diagrams. With that in mind, we have prepared the free, downloadable Vibrationdamage.com
Ground Vibration PPV and Safe Distance Calculator. It contains three worksheets, a construction vibration calculator, based on the FTA attenuation equation, a blasting calculator, based on the scaled distance equation,
and a blasting damage probability estimator, based on probability data in USBM RI 8507.  The Calculator is in the form of a locked Excel
workbook (.XLS format) with the three calculators on different worksheet tabs into which you can enter your own values for the reference or measured velocity, the distance
measured or referenced for that velocity and the distance from the work to the structure. Optionally, you can also provide your own standard limits to customize the safe distance calculations. The calculators include reference
sections which provides reference PPV's, standard limits, and help with choosing the results most relevant to the situation at hand. The calculations can be valuable to attorneys, homeowners, consultants and contractors
who might need to understand the potential for damage from construction operations or blasting. See Vibration and Distance in the CVDG for much more information on the proper use of such
calculations. Direct links to download the Vibration Calculator are found in both the CVDG for Homeowners PDF and CVDG Pro, along with documentation. You can also read the
documentation online.
Ground Vibration and Safe Distance Calculator requirements: any spreadsheet program which can read Excel (.XLS) files (including Excel, 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, OpenOffice's Calc program, and most other spreadsheets)
and any computer or device which can run such programs.

Mobile devices (smart phones, tablet computers, etc.) have accelerometer sensors which can
be used to measure vibration, within the sensitivities of the sensors. However, some calculation is needed to convert these measurements into the accepted standard for estimating vibration damage potential, ground peak
particle velocities (PPV's). Our Excel template allows relatively easy conversion of CSV and other text file acceleration data from free mobile device vibration apps to PPV. It also provides space to properly document the data, thereby
strengthening its scientific validity. It is available free to registered users of the free CVDG for Homeowners and the purchasers of the comprehensive CVDG Professional Edition. You simply paste your data into the template
(.xlsx format) and the calculations are done for you. It has Help and Graph worksheet tabs to provide use information and help with graphing the
data. It is available free, after registration, for those who have mobile device vibration acceleration data, a basic understanding of their
meaning (as explained in the CVDG Pro), and familiarity with Excel or other spreadsheet programs. You can read the
documentation online without registering.
Copyright Information
The CVDG is ©Copyright 2013-2024 John M. Zeigler. It may not be offered to others in PDF format or reproduced on other web sites, in full or in part. The Guide is licensed and
available free only to individuals for personal, at-home, non-business, use. It may not be copied or quoted in any form without express written consent from the author.
Those who may wish to use the CVDG for business purposes should get the CVDG Professional Edition, with over 300 pages of information licensed for business use. The other downloads discussed
here are also copyrighted, but are available for free use by registered owners of any CVDG version. Non-registered owners of the CVDG do not have a license to use these tools.
Disclaimer: The pages, documents, illustrations and tools on Vibrationdamage.com
are not offered, and should not be considered, as advice or counsel on the law in any
jurisdiction or form. Seek the
advice of an attorney having
construction vibration damage claim experience and knowledge, if you need legal
help. Trademarks appearing on the site and in the CVDG are the properties of their
respective owners and are used in the CVDG only for the purpose of identification. Information appearing on the site and in the CVDG is believed correct, but the site contents and the CVDG are provided "as-is". They are not guaranteed or
warranted in any way, nor are your uses of them warranted or guaranteed.
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