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The CVDG and CVDG Pro have much information to help their readers understand and address vibration damage issues. As a special service to those who register the PDF versions (by filling out the CVDG free version registration
form or purchasing the Pro version), we also offer some additional free tools to help them answer their own
vibration damage questions in their particular circumstances. Descriptions and screen shots of the tools and direct links to download both the tools and their documentation
 Vibrationdamage.com Ground Vibration and Safe Distance Calculator (.XLS format)
(free download)
The Calculator allows our readers to calculate predicted vibration velocities at specific distances and under their vibration attenuation conditions. The Calculator, a
locked Excel spreadsheet usable in any program or device which can read Excel spreadsheet files, can be employed whether or not one has vibration monitoring data
available. It is comprised of three worksheets, a construction vibration calculator using the FTA equation, a blasting calculator using the scaled distance approach, and a blasting damage probability estimator.
It is simple to use and requires no scientific background; help is provided within it for understanding the calculated velocities and choosing the calculated values which are most reflective of the local conditions and vibration
sources. Vibrationdamage.com Ground Vibration and Safe Distance Calculator requirements: any spreadsheet program which can read Excel (.XLS) files (including Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro, OpenOffice's Calc program, and most other
spreadsheets) and any computer or device which can run such programs. The Calculator is licensed for personal, non-business use only.

Pre-calculated Vibration Velocity CurvesFor those who don't want to calculate for themselves, we have a collection of pre-calculated vibration velocity curves (see graphic at top of page for a view of some of them) from which one can simply read the calculated velocities as a function of different variables. This
collection is available as a free PDF format file of full size versions of the diagrams found in the CVDG Pro and, to a lesser extent, in the CVDG free version.
Template for Device Vibration Acceleration Data Analysis
For those who have recorded vibration acceleration data using mobile device sensors and need a way to analyze it, our own template for data analysis is
available free upon request. The Results section of the template is shown at right.
Free by request, this Excel template allows one with mobile device-generated vibration acceleration data to convert it to peak particle velocities, summarize the results and graph them. The workbook includes separate
tabs for Data Import, Data Analysis, Graphs and Help. Basic familiarity with Excel (or any spreadsheet which can read .xlsx files) and copy-and-paste processes is required to use the template.
Disclaimer: The pages, documents, illustrations and tools on Vibrationdamage.com
are not offered, and should not be considered, as advice or counsel on the law in any
jurisdiction or form. Seek the
advice of an attorney having
construction vibration damage claim experience and knowledge, if you need legal
help. Trademarks appearing on the site and in the CVDG are the properties of their
respective owners and are used in the CVDG only for the purpose of identification. Information appearing on the site and in the CVDG is believed correct, but the site contents and the CVDG are provided "as-is". They are not guaranteed or
warranted in any way, nor are your uses of them warranted or guaranteed.
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