Screen shot of SPCALC running under Windows
SPCALC is a very stable software package, written with compatibility and fast
execution in mind. Users of SPCALC rarely have trouble. However, for those who
may have questions, we have tried to anticipate them and provide answers here.
SPCALC's online Help and over 100 page electronic manual are also good sources
of information for using and configuring SPCALC.
Questions and Answers
Q: Is SPCALC compatible with other software and with modern PC operating
A: There are no known specific incompatibilities between SPCALC and other
software or hardware. Unlike most character mode applications, SPCALC actively cooperates
with multitasking operating systems like Windows and OS/2. In our experience, it runs without
modification on any Intel chip-based PC operating system. It has been
specifically tested on over 15 different machines ranging from an IBM-XT to a
modern Xeon machine running Windows 11 (with a DOS emulator).
Q: Is SPCALC compatible with current versions of Windows?
A: Yes, if you have any 16 or 32-bit version of Windows, including Windows 11, or any
64-bit version of Windows with a DOS emulator (see below)! Depending on their particular
video card and its drivers, some Windows users may not be able to run the program
in its 50 line mode. The SPCALC 5.0.1 distribution comes with configuration files, including a backup, that correctly select the 43 line mode for Windows.
Trying to run the program in its 50-line mode may give an error "this program does not support fullscreen mode" or
"NTVDM has stopped working". As described in the
relevant Microsoft Knowledgebase article, the 32-bit Windows
11 video drivers don't support all DOS video modes, thus producing the error.
Microsoft suggests a workaround of installing the Windows XP drivers for your
video adapter (this works with SPCALC in 50 line mode). This problem is not
directly solvable in 64-bit versions of Windows 11, because 64-bit Windows 11 doesn't support
16-bit applications like SPCALC at all. However, users of 64-bit Windows 11 can
run SPCALC in DOSBox (see just below for more information).
Some Windows users might experience a similar problem when they try to change the SPCALC'S screen colors and resolution through the Main Menu Modify Setup option.
When you make changes to SPCALC's video configuration, the program tests the
video adapter, causing Windows to return an error message
reading: "This program does not support full-screen mode." One workaround is use
the XP video drivers for your video card, as mentioned above. Another is to edit
the program configuration file, SPINST.DAT, manually in any ASCII text
editor or any editor which can save to ASCII text. Contact us for instructions
regarding editing the SPINST.DAT manually. Note that none of these issues
affect operation of any part of the calculation or database functions of SPCALC.
Another way to address the "fullscreen mode" issue is to run SPCALC in
DOSBox, a
downloadable DOS emulator for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, Mac OS X, several varieties of
Linux and other, lesser-used operating systems. We have
confirmed that SPCALC runs well in DOSBox, although DOSBox is not required to run SPCALC under
32-bit Windows.
Q: Installing SPCALC in Windows, I get a User
Account Control dialog that says the program is "unidentified" and asks me to
Cancel or Allow the program to run. Is it safe to run it?
A: Yes, absolutely! newer versions of Windows don't recognize the install program as
being compatible with its "security features", but the program is virus-free,
contains no adware, spyware or other malware and will run fine under 16 and 32-bit Windows in either the
registered or unregistered versions. Just click on Allow when you see this
Q: Do I need powerful hardware to run SPCALC?
A: No! SPCALC will run natively on any PC-compatible running any 16 or 32-bit PC operating system,
and in 64-bit Windows with a DOS emulator. Its
code has been highly optimized to allow it to run even on the original IBM
PC-XT! Just about any modern PC will run it.
Q: Will SPCALC run on a Macintosh or other Apple
A: It depends. Older Macs with Motorola processors will need DOS emulator
software to
run it. Newer ones with Intel processors may be able to run it natively or can
run it using emulators like DOSBox. We have
not tested SPCALC on Macintosh machines. However, the program makes only
standard operating system calls and does not use direct hardware writes. On that
basis alone, we predict that it will run under most DOS emulation systems for
the Mac. We have confirmed that SPCALC runs well in the free DOSBox emulator,
running under 64-bit Windows, although DOSBox is not required to run SPCALC under
32-bit Windows. DOSBox is available
for free download for Mac OS X.
Q: How is SPCALC installed under Windows?
A: The free trial version of SPCALC, Version 5.0.1, is distributed as a single
Windows executable file called SETUPSPC.EXE. Just run this and the install
program will create the directory, files, program folder, Start Menu entries, links to SPCALC
support, and an uninstall program. The trial version includes the over 100 page
manual for the program in ASCII text format and a database of over 200 common
Q: Why should I pay for the registered version of
A: Registered users additionally receive the manual in Acrobat PDF format, which
preserves the formatting and graphics of the original, and a greatly expanded
database of over 1200 solvents. Registration also enables many of the functions
of SPCALC, which are disabled in the trial version, and provides access to
technical support. Registration is only $29 for SPCALC delivered electronically or $29, plus
$5 S/H, for those who want it on disk.
Q: I'm having a problem with SPCALC that doesn't seem
to be covered here. Can you help?
A: We want to help any registered owner of SPCALC resolve any problems he may be
having. As we learn of any
problems in a given environment, we will post the solution(s) here. You may also
send us an e-mail to the address below. In your e-mail, please include:
- A description of your hardware (processor, amount
of RAM, video card)
- Indicate your operating system and version
- The text of any specific error messages you may be
seeing, either from SPCALC or the operating system
- A copy of the text in SPCALC's About window (Press
Alt-a in SPCALC, then use the window control menu to copy the text to the
Clipboard and paste it into your e-mail
- Any steps you may have taken to resolve the problem
and the results of those steps
SPCALC Support E-mail: drzeigler@silchemy.com