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SPCALC, Version 5.0.1


SPCALC is copyrighted software owned by the author. The shareware version is provided for evaluation purposes for a period of use not to exceed 30 days. If you find SPCALC useful and wish to legally continue using it beyond the 30 day trial period, you must register your copy of SPCALC.

You can register your trial copy of SPCALC, Version 5.0, by returning the order form below along with the registration fee of $39 (U.S. funds, check or money order) (requires an e-mail account that will accept EXE files or ZIP files containing an EXE. An HTTP download can be arranged for those lacking a suitable e-mail account) or obtain SPCALC on diskette or CD-ROM for $39, plus $10 S/H. In addition to "legalizing" your usage of SPCALC, purchase/registration carries significant benefits:

  • You receive the latest version of SPCALC, with greatly expanded capabilities fully enabled plus new features added. You also get the full over 110 page updated manual with examples, tips and help in printable PDF format
  • A full version of the solvent data file containing information on nearly 1200 solvents and compounds, vs. the 200 solvent file which comes with the shareware version
  • Nominal cost upgrades to future versions of SPCALC are made available to registered users
  • Access to technical and user support

  • Printable Order Form

    SPCALC, Version 5.0.1

    Electronic Solvent Handbook and Solubility Calculator for IBM-compatible (MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2) personal computers

    Name: ____________________________________________________________

    Company: __________________________________________________________

    Shipping/Mailing Address: _________________________________________________




    Phone: ___________________________________________

    E-mail Address (required for e-mail delivery): ______________________________________________________

    Disk Size/Type/Delivery options: Quantity: 3.5" diskette, 1.44Mb _____ ($39, plus $10 S/H) PC CD-ROM _____ ($39, plus $10 S/H) E-mail delivery _____ ( $39, no S/H)

    Delivery by e-mail attachment is also available for $39 and incurs NO S/H fee. E-mail delivery requires an e-mail account that will accept EXE files. Electronic delivery is not available to Google mail (gmail) accounts, among others.

    Purchase orders should be sent or checks for $34 or $29 (per delivery type chosen above) (U.S. funds) made payable to:

    Dr. John M. Zeigler
    338 Nicklaus Drive, SE
    Rio Rancho, NM 87124

    If you are registering the shareware version, we would like to hear any suggestions you might have for enhancements. Just write them below and/or on the back:


    Send e-mail to with your questions or comments about this web site., Copyright © 2013-2024 John M. Zeigler
    Last modified: 01/01/24