Silchemy, and its companion site,, provides a great deal of free technical information. See the links below to
access it.
Construction damage, usually due to vibration or other forms of ground
excitation caused by the improper use of heavy equipment, occurs much more often
than those in that industry will usually admit. The typical homeowner lacks the
knowledge and documentation to pursue a legitimate claim against construction
firms and their insurance companies. Dr. Zeigler has spent nearly 14 years
investigating, documenting and evaluating vibration damage phenomena in part in the context of extensive
damage done to his own home. By following this link, you find out some of what
he learned about how to pursue a construction vibration damage claim, even if
you don't wish to litigate the claim. The CVDG also has extensive information
about how to prepare for proposed construction in your area to prevent damage
before it happens.
In addition to reading the pages in HTML on our dedicated site,, you can
get a full PDF
version of the 120+ page Guide from our Downloads page. A Professional Edition of the CVDG (300+ pages) is also available for attorneys,
consultants and homeowners who need comprehensive information or have claims in litigation. CVDG Pro owners also gain access to some of the results of our construction vibration damage database, which currently (as of 1/23) has
over 1500 examples of damage reports worldwide.
The CVDG free version has been read in part or in full on well over 200,000 times; the PDF version of the CVDG has been downloaded there and
from other sources over 10,000 times. It has been used by consultants, scientists and in college-level teaching of the field.
Both the CVDG and the CVDG Pro carry direct links for free download of our vibration analysis and estimation tools: a ground vibration PPV and safe distance calculator for both construction and blasting vibration sources, as well
as a blast vibration damage probability estimator. One can also get from those links a collection of pre-plotted vibration PPV curves for direct readout of vibration PPV's and a free template for converting mobile device-derived
vibration accelerations to PPV's.
We describe some our contributions to vibration effects science on another page.
The science behind our SPCALC solvent property database and mixed solvent
calculator. Learn how application of solvent cavitation energies can help you
pick an optimum solvent for any purpose in SPCALC, even if you need to mix solvents.