Studio Pack

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Example Studio Pack Template

Studio Policy

Studio Policy

The Studio Pack is a group of customizable, pre-built, studio-tested template documents for the working piano teacher, developed by Dr. John M. Zeigler and Ms. Nancy Ostromencki, the editors and founders of The Piano Education Page. The Studio Pack provides the piano teacher with a means by which customized critical documents necessary for running any studio can be quickly and easily prepared, saving the teacher over a hundred hours of work.

The Studio Pack documents allow the teacher to:

  • publicize the studio (Studio Brochure),
  • codify a tested set of policies for clients (Studio Policy)
  • control use of a computer teaching lab (Computer Theory Lab Policy),
  • publish a studio Web page (Studio Web Page),
  • gather necessary information (Student Information Form)
  • communicate with clients via a newsletter (Studio Newsletter)
  • provide a valuable source of information about the studio, piano and music for students and parents alike (Student Manual and Resource Guide).

Available on diskette or CD-ROM for both Windows and Macintosh computers, The Studio Pack templates are in WordPerfect 6 (and subsequent versions) format, with automated filling of basic information. The templates can be used with other word processors, e.g. MS Word, with slight revisions in procedure. The distribution media provide information for using the templates with non-WP word processors.

If you're a piano teacher who would like to simplify the process of creating studio documents, check out The Studio Pack. You can find more information about it and order from on The Studio Pack page. The Studio Pack is also offered, at a substantially reduced price, as a part of The Piano Education Page on CD Plus.


Send e-mail to with your questions or comments about this web site., Copyright © 2013-2024 John M. Zeigler
Last modified: 01/01/24