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Construction Vibration Damage Guide for Homeowners
- About the Author
John M. Zeigler has an earned Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from the University of
Illinois, a highly-ranked chemistry graduate program, and is a member of the
Phi Beta Kappa Society. He is co-editor and co-author of an ACS Advances in Chemistry
reference volume on silicon-based polymers, shown at right, and has been a long-time member of the Editorial
Advisory Board of the Journal of Inorganic and Organometallic Polymers.
A co-recipient of an R&D-100 award for the development of
polysilane self-developing photoresists, he is also the inventor or co-inventor
on over 30 U.S. and foreign patents. He has published over 60 papers
in the scientific literature and been invited to give talks at scientific
meetings and universities over 100 times. Dr. Zeigler has also worked in conductive
polymers, receiving several patents in that area, superacid catalysis, polymer
photodegradation, and organic chemistry research. A curriculum vitae, listing
publications, invited presentations, patents, testimony and other relevant materials is
available. He has been involved in litigation support work for nearly 20 years, in addition to scientific consulting and other activities, primarily in various aspects of medical devices materials and manufacturing. Several
free scientific tools, developed by Dr. Zeigler, can be found on the Downloads page.
 Dr. Zeigler developed
considerable scientific and litigation expertise in construction vibration
damage arising from extensive damage done to his home during a road
reconstruction project. He was the primary scientific consultant throughout that
case. The consulting included damage and scientific documentation,
testimony, expert and attorney scientific preparation, vibration monitoring data
analysis, and case assembly all the way through trial. His work as author of Vibrationdamage.com has since expanded that knowledge and experience substantially, through interactions with
literally thousands of homeowners, scientists and attorney around the world.
- See if We Can Help You!
- If you're interested in exploring whether we can help in your
construction vibration damage issues, as a homeowner, an attorney or as a
responsible contractor, contact us now. Initial consultations are free and confidential,
without obligation. You can reach us at
drzeigler@silchemy.com or call us at the
contact numbers on the home page.